Six copies of Al Shaab
hung like flags

Screen print on newsprint, newspaper sticks, flag pole brackets
During preliminary investigations into my family homes in Jaffa, I came across interviews with relatives Ibrahim and Kanaan Abukhadra and their Jewish tenant David in Pity the Nation by Robert Fisk. The book alleges that after Ibrahim’s departure from his central Jaffa home in 1948, David began storing ammunitions for the Irgun militia in the basement and regularly invited the Irgun’s leader, Menachem Begin, to tea. Begin, responsible for several atrocities perpetuated against Palestinian people, went on to become the prime minister of Israel.
Based on the newspaper Kanaan owned in Palestine pre-1948, Al Shaab, my printed version uses poetics, diagrams, drawings and a combination of real and fabricated interviews to investigate and respond to the events and betrayals that occurred in Jaffa. Texts and research materials referenced in the paper include The Revolt by Menachem Begin, Pity The Nation by Robert Fisk, At the Station of a Train Which Fell Off the Map by Mahmoud Darwish, and archival photographs of citrus and the city of Jaffa from The Library of Congress. Their installation as flags engages with newspapers as a form used for mass production and distribution of information and ideology.
Photography of installation by David Kern