لمياء ابوخضرا


Installation of gouache, pastel, and conté on paper, 35mm Carousel Slide Projector, light filters.

Pictured drawings:
The Eyes are Wide Open
Conté, gouache on paper
26 November, 2021
CAPTION: “🇵🇸#Palestine | The funeral of the child Amjad Abu Sultan (14) whose body was released few days ago after months of holding it by the Israeli occupation forces.”
Photographer unknown

Red pastel on paper
22 April, 2022
CAPTION: ”For the first time in 20 years, the Palestinian flag was flown over the Dome of the Rock in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem today.”
Photography: Abdalafo Bassam

Nights of Confusion
Blue pastel on paper
20 June, 2021
CAPTION “✌️الإرباك الليلي في هذه اللحظات في بيتا " “Night confusion in this moment in Beita”
Photographer unknown

Green pastel on paper
15 April, 2022
CAPTION: “🇵🇸#Palestine | The Israeli occupation forces transfer dozens of detainees from Al Aqsa mosque through Al Magharbeh gate.”
Photographer unknown

Red, green, blue pastel on paper
22 April, 2022
CAPTION: “🇵🇸#Palestine | The Israeli occupation forces attack an entertainment activity for Palestinian children in the village of Ras Karkar, west of Ramallah City, today.”
Photographer unknown

Most of these images are fragments or elements of photographs I have been collecting from social media during and since the uprisings in Palestine in 2021. These images circulate because something extremely violent is happening in them. A confrontation with settlers, a funeral of a child, an assasination, police abuse, it’s all caught on camera and circulated across computer screens and smartphones all over the world. These screens are made of light; little red, green, and blue dots of light. I isolate what is formally attractive to me in each of the images, enhance it and draw it in one or more of the primary colors of light. Not because the image depicts violence, but because what I have isolated in these images show us temporary eruptions of poetry and of life. A 35mm carousel projector  changes the color of the light source every six seconds. This element further isolates certain elements in the images while distorting others. Drawings start to appear doubled, blurred, completely disappear appear entirely different, and create new images in the process.

Photography by Romy Finke and Lamia Abukhadra